SaaS Integration Service

The ISDP platform is delivered as 'Software as a Service' (SaaS). We offer the SaaS integration services to integrate the platform with the utility's systems,. Our platform is currently in AWS Cloud. We will walk you through the "Reference Architecture Landscape" and show the areas in addition to the application view where we can help in the integration.

We can work independently or with utility's preferred system integrator for the SaaS integration.

Digital Transformation in Cloud

We want to be part of organisation's digital transformation journey. We are happy to work with utilities and identify opportunities for transformation. We can help to identify right transformational tools, IoT capability and analytics.

Service Operating Model

Our dream is to be part of the sustainability journeys organisations have taken on-board. We see the operating model as an integral part of the technology transformation especially in the cloud. We will be happy to define the operating model as part of our integration services.